IEP, 504 & more

Simplifying academic struggles during school year.

Homework Center
Homework Center

Is Special Education Right for my Child?

Special education for children is a tailored educational approach that addresses the individualized needs of those facing learing challenges or disabilities, providing customized support, accomodations, and resources to help them succeed academically and personally.

Are you ready to change your child’s IEP

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child each and every day, but nobody at school seems to understand exactly what your child needs for a successful school day.

I get it. I’ve been there, too.
I can’t wait to help you.

Homework Center

Imagine if…

You could breathe easy when sending
your child to school.

You could stop dreading every
interaction with school staff.

You slept better at night knowing your
child was making progress at school, in
the skills that mean the most for their

What we can do together

We’ll get started immediatly on your biggest IEP concerns.

Knowing how to clearly share your concerns is key. I’ll show you how.

Meeting Attendance
You’ll never have to walk into a ameeting alone, again.

Trouble Shooting
I’ll be here to help you with every step of the way, so nothing feels out of control again.

Homework Center

Homework Center

Text, Phone Calls, or Zoom. You get to pick how we work together!

Homework Center

Your child’s success and independence will always be our focus.

Homework Center

You’ll finally be able to get all the IEP paperwork and emails under control!

Homework Center

Does this sound like you?

You get frustrated with not knowing what your child is doing all day in school?

Are you worried your child isn’t learning enough or their IEP services aren’t the right ones?

Do you want to be able to walk into your next IEP meeting and NOT have any surprises?

That’s exactly why we should work together!

Homework Center

Connect with Us

In Homework In a Cafe we can provide with all the additional assistance you need. We have specialized coaches in IEP and tutors that will help your child flourish at school and in life.

Scan the QR code to get a free 20-minute online consultation session, we will be happy to help you!

Homework Center

Hi, I’m Manu!

I have over 17 years of experience as and Educator. Founder-owner of Homework in a Cafe, an after-school program in Texas that assists middle and high school students in completing their work and equipping them with lifelong skills.

I’m a proud member of the Master IEP Coach Network and I can’t wait to hel you on your IEP journey!

Homework Center

Free Download Powerful IEP Tools for you and your child

Packed with step-by-step IEP planning sheets, time saving templates, and helpful action steps, these free downloads will help you get focused immediately!

Download Now

Homework Center